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Localization enables you to connect with a target market by localizing your products and services in accordance with the needs and tastes of the target market. Dhivehi Language Services (DLS) will empower you to make your products appear as if it was designed and developed in the Maldives itself by adapting your products or services in accordance with the local culture and trends.


Localization does not only comprise of translation. But rather it involves adapting the text and other components of your offered products and services specific to a certain country or region. By utilizing Dhivehi localization or Maldivian localization services offered by DLS, you can transform your products and services specifically to the Maldives.


DLS will assist you in different stages of localization. Accordingly, you can count on our reliable support in the internalization and globalization stages.


Some of the localization services provided by DLS include:

  • Website localization

  • Software localization

  • Mobile Apps localization

  • Localization testing

Choose DLS for all your Dhivehi localization or Maldivian localization needs for the following reasons:


  • Most competitive prices for localization services

  • Access to our in-depth knowledge of the Maldives market

  • Opportunities for researching and testing Maldivian market

  • Professionals with experience in handling projects

Why Choose DLS for Dhivehi Localization Services?

Advantages of Localization 

Localization provides the opportunity for your business and brand to lead the way and be a market leader. Some of the advantages of localization include:


  • Increase of market presence

  • Competitive advantage

  • Culturally acceptable promotion

  • Enable your brand to be a global brand

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